BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111117T013000Z DTEND:20111117T030000Z LOCATION:TCC 205 DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: Network Service Plane can be broadly defined as a set of abstracted network capabilities presented as provisionable service objects that can interoperate and be incorporated into an application resource provisioning workflow. The existence of this network service plane enables researchers to dynamically create and manage a communication infrastructure to enable their science, rather than be bound to constraints of deployed physical network connectivity or long negotiations of new services from their network service provider. =0A=0AThe network service plane creates an infrastructure that supports the ephemeral nature of research and collaboration requirements. If we are allowed to draw a parallel from the manufacturing industry, the current way of managing network infrastructure is similar to fixed assembly lines i.e. after the physical network is provisioned, no change takes place for a long time. The Network Service Plane enables the creation of the “Just-in-time” model for the network, similar to the model that revolutionized the manufacturing industry. Developments in the NSP also matches the recent advances in distributed computing and storage especially in fields of storage/compute virtualization, Grid and Cloud computing.=0A=0A This has led to the development of an activity within Open Grid Forum (OGF) to create the standard for interaction between applications and the multi-administrative Network Service Plane(s). This resource allocation is proposed within OGF to be performed on an interface called the “Network Service Interface” (NSI-WG). Contributions to these standard efforts come from the experience and research conducted within community projects across EU, Americas and Asia (Phosphorus/Harmony, Viola, Autobahn, G-Lambda, OSCARS, IDC, DRAGON, DRAC, UCLP). =0A=0AThe BOF will be a mechanism to outreach to the scientific community who are potential users of this network service capability and solicit feedback before the standard is finalized. There are many implementations planning in Sept, and the results from that protocol BOF will also be shared. SUMMARY:Network Service Interface: Providing virtualized, dynamic services over the Wide Area Network PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR