BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111116T011500Z DTEND:20111116T030000Z LOCATION:WSCC North Galleria 2nd/3rd Floors DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: The complexity of computational models of scientific experiments brings challenges on the conduction of these experiments. Scientific workflows have being adopted on large-scale science and since they use great volumes of data, they demands parallelism. However, parallelize a workflow requires tools and programming skills to run it in parallel in supercomputers. Trying to turn parallelization more transparent to the scientist, this work presents the Heracles approach. Heracles proposes a fault tolerant and dynamic resource management mechanism using P2P. Heracles executes activities in parallel without asking the scientists to specify the number of nodes to be allocated and it automatically reschedules failed tasks. Scientists only need to setup the deadline for the activity. Heracles was evaluated through simulation and showed that it is capable of fulfilling the deadlines of the activities and to recover from failures efficiently. Thus, it seems interesting to integrate Heracles approach on real schedulers. SUMMARY:Scientific Data Parallelism Using P2P Techniques PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR