BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111113T163000Z DTEND:20111113T200000Z LOCATION: DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: InfiniBand (IB) and High-speed Ethernet (HSE) technologies are generating a lot of excitement towards building next generation High-End Computing (HEC) systems including clusters, datacenters, file systems, storage and cloud computing environments. This tutorial will provide an overview of these emerging technologies, their offered features, current market standing, and suitability for prime-time HEC. It will start with an overview of IB, HSE, and their architectural features. Similarities and differences between these=0Atechnologies will be focused. Convergence between these two technologies (including the emerging RoCE interface) will be discussed. An overview of the OpenFabrics stack which encapsulates both IB and HSE in a unified manner will be=0Apresented. IB and HSE hardware/software solutions and the market trends (including an overview of installations using these technologies) will be highlighted. Finally, sample performance numbers highlighting the performance these technologies can achieve in different environments will be presented.=0A=0A=0AA follow-up and advanced version of the tutorial (focusing on challenges in designing different kinds of HEC systems with these technologies) will be presented in the afternoon. SUMMARY:S02: InfiniBand and High-Speed Ethernet for Dummies PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR