SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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Community-Oriented Scientific Support Structures for HPC

SESSION: Community-Oriented Scientific Support Structures for HPC

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

TIME: 5:30PM - 7:00PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Paul Gibbon, Norbert Attig


Today, simulation scientists recognize the current prevalence of architectures based on massively parallel and multi-core processor topologies. They are now compelled to concentrate much more on scalability when developing new models, or when re-engineering established codes to new machines. To address the obstacles posed by Petascale (and in future Exascale) computing, a number of community-oriented, high-level support initiatives have been started in Europe and the US. These initiatives differ in their structural details, but all aim to provide a level of numerical expertise and specialist competence which goes significantly beyond the traditional help desk functionality. The goals of this BoF are to: a) compare the various user support structures currently in operation b) examine sustainability issues of scientific software in HPC c) provide support teams at leading SC centers with an opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas d) motivate other centers to establish or to strengthen their own community-oriented support.

Session Leader Details:

Paul Gibbon (Primary Session Leader) - Forschungzentrum Juelich

Norbert Attig (Secondary Session Leader) - Forschungzentrum Juelich

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