SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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Cray XMT User Community

SESSION: Cray XMT User Community

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

TIME: 12:15PM - 1:15PM



The Cray XMT is a shared-memory, multithreaded computer platform well suited for applications with little or no spatial and temporal locality. The system’s large shared-memory, latency tolerant processors, and fine-grained hardware synchronization enable highly irregular memory access patterns and algorithms to scale. Researchers at national laboratories, universities, and industry are using the machine to develop large-scale applications in bioinformatics, network analysis, semantic analysis, natural language understanding, and knowledge discovery. Moreover, numerous semantic technologies are being developed for the system. This year Cray has delivered the first Cray XMT/2 systems. This Birds-of-a-Feature will bring together the massive multithreading community to discuss results, current status, and future machine designs driven by application requirements. The meeting will feature talks on use cases, applications, performance, programming tools, and expectations of next-generation multithreaded systems.

Session Leader Details:

John T. Feo (Primary Session Leader) - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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