SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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Parallel Communication and I/O Interfaces for Accelerators: HPC Advisory Council Special Interest Group

SESSION: Parallel Communication and I/O Interfaces for Accelerators: HPC Advisory Council Special Interest Group

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

TIME: 5:30PM - 7:00PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Gilad Shainer, Sadaf Alam


The session will be the base for the official launch of a special interest group (SIG) as part of the HPC Advisory Council for identifying communication and I/O requirements and proposing standard interfaces for accelerators based HPC. A further aim is to establish an educational and dissemination portal. The speakers from vendor institutions will provide roadmaps for existing technologies e.g. GPUDirect, which is a significant step for lowering overheads for GPU to GPU internode communication. The related research and development efforts at the academic institutions will also be presented at the session including MVAPICH2 extensions for GPUs and the rCUDA effort for virtualizing GPU devices over the interconnect. The expected deliverables of the session include: launching of the SIG through the HPC advisory council, agenda items for upcoming HPC Advisory council training workshops, and a draft proposal on standard interfaces for facilitating message-passing and remote memory communication from accelerator devices.

Session Leader Details:

Gilad Shainer (Primary Session Leader) - Mellanox Technologies

Sadaf Alam (Secondary Session Leader) - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

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