SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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SPEC HPG benchmarks for MPI & OpenMP, power, accelerators and much more.

SESSION: SPEC HPG benchmarks for MPI & OpenMP, power, accelerators and much more.

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

TIME: 5:30PM - 7:00PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Kalyan Kumaran, Matthias Müller


The High Performance Group of SPEC has a long history of creating industry standard leading edge benchmarks to compare HPC systems since its inception around 1995. Current existing benchmarks support multiple programming models including MPI and OpenMP and are based on real applications from various science domains (MPI2007 and OMP2001). These benchmarks come with run rules and metrics that allow fair and objective comparisons and with a peer review for publication of results on the SPEC website. The group is currently working on the release of a new suite based on OpenMP, that will serve as a replacement to its existing suite, and will include features from the latest OpenMP standard and support a power/performance metric. Details of this new benchmark, power metric, and a roadmap of future plans including an accelerator benchmark will be presented. SPEC HPG is a popular industry consortium comprising leading HPC companies and research labs.

Session Leader Details:

Kalyan Kumaran (Primary Session Leader) - Argonne National Laboratory

Matthias Müller (Secondary Session Leader) - Technical University Dresden

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