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Energy Efficiency at Extreme Scales: Tools and Challenges
SESSION: Energy Efficiency at Extreme Scales: Tools and Challenges
EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather
TIME: 5:30PM - 7:00PM
SESSION LEADER(S):Darren J. Kerbyson, Kevin J. Barker, Abhinav Vishnu
ABSTRACT: Power consumption will become a major concern for future generation supercomputers. Current systems consume more than a Megawatt per Petaflop. Exascale levels of computation, a 100x improvement in performance from today, will be significantly constrained if power requirements were to similarly scale. The optimization of power and energy at all levels, from application to system software and to hardware, is required.
This BOF will discuss state-of-the-art tools and techniques for observing and optimizing power consumption. These are often limited by hardware capabilities and in their ability to associate measurements with software. Additionally, control mechanisms such as Dynamic-Voltage-Frequency-Scaling are often limited.
The challenges ahead are many-fold. Increasing parallelism, memory systems, interconnection networks, storage and uncertainties in programming models all add to the complexities. More rapid realization of energy savings will require significant increases in measurement resolution and optimization techniques. The interplay between performance, power, and reliability also leads to complex trade-offs.
Session Leader Details:
Darren J. Kerbyson (Primary Session Leader) - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kevin J. Barker (Secondary Session Leader) - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Abhinav Vishnu (Secondary Session Leader) - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory