SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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MAximum Multicore POwer (MAMPO) - An Automatic Multithreaded Synthetic Power Virus Generation Framework for Multicore Systems

SESSION: Multicore Architectural Tools

EVENT TYPE: Paper, Best Student Paper (BSP) Finalist

TIME: 4:00PM - 4:30PM

AUTHOR(S):Karthik Ganesan, Lizy John


It is tedious to manually write code snippets called power viruses to find the practically attainable worst-case power of a computer system and all the prior research to automate this are restricted to unicore systems. Previous research efforts towards automating the power virus generation process are all limited to the single core processors and are not effective when applied to multicore parallel systems as the components like the interconnection network, shared caches, DRAM and coherence directory also contribute significantly to the power consumption of a multicore parallel system. We propose MAMPO, a framework to automatically generate a multithreaded max-power stressmark for a multicore system. The generated synthetic power viruses consume 73-89%, 40-69%, 45-98% and 41-56% more power than running multiple copies of the industry-grade power virus MPrime, previously proposed single-core virus called SYMPO, SPECjbb and PARSEC workloads respectively on various multicore parallel machine configurations.

Chair/Author Details:

Karthik Ganesan - University of Texas at Austin

Lizy John - University of Texas at Austin

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The full paper can be found in the ACM Digital Library

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