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Unitary Qubit Lattice Simulations of Multiscale Phenomena in Quantum Turbulence
SESSION: Applications
TIME: 4:00PM - 4:30PM
AUTHOR(S):George Vahala, Min Soe, Bo Zhang, Jeffrey Yepez, Linda Vahala, Jonathan Carter, Sean Ziegeler
ABSTRACT: Qubit unitary mesoscopic lattice algorithms, that scale perfectly to the 216K cores tested, are used to simulate multiscale physics in quantum/classical turbulence. Isosurfaces of quantum entangled vortices on grids up to 6120^3 are analyzed in real-time during the simulation run. Using just 2 qubits per lattice site and an interleaved unitary set of collision-stream-rotation operators, one recovers the Gross-Pitaevskii equation at the moments level and thus the evolution of the T = 0 BEC ground state wave function. A more complex set of interleaved unitary operators on these 2 qubits yields also the T > 0 Bogoliubov modes. Even though the Gross-Pitaesvkii is Hamiltonian, the energy spectrum reveals complex multiscale physics from classical to quantum scales due to the achievable high grid resolution simulation. In some parameter regimes short Poincare recurrence occurs - even for random phase initial conditions with uniform density.
Chair/Author Details:
George Vahala - William & Mary
Min Soe - Rogers State University
Bo Zhang - William and Mary
Jeffrey Yepez - AFRL
Linda Vahala - Old Dominion
Jonathan Carter - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory