SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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SESSION: ENGINEERING: Computational Modeling of Solids Using the Finite Element Method

EVENT TYPE: Education

TIME: 10:30AM - 12:00PM

SESSION CHAIR: Monir Sharobeam

Presenter(s):Monir Sharobeam, Siddharth Samsi, Halil Sezen


This session will provide an introduction to the basics of solid mechanics and the stress strain relationships in solids. It will also introduce the finite element method as a computational modeling approach for structural mechanics as well as multiphysics applications that are too complicated to be addressed by analytical methods. The session will introduce the participants to the finite element package: Elmer. Elmer is an open source multi-physical program with powerful solvers for applications in structural mechanics, heat transfer, electromagnetic fields, acoustics and others. Elmer is developed by a group of Finnish universities jointly with the Finnish state computer center. Elmer is available on both Windows and Linux based platforms and works with MPI environments. Assumed background: basic computer literacy; first year engineering curriculum or equivalent.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Monir Sharobeam (Chair) - Richard Stockton College of NJ

Monir Sharobeam - Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Siddharth Samsi - Ohio Supercomputer Center

Halil Sezen - Ohio State University

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