SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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LIKWID: Lightweight Performance Tools

SESSION: Research Poster Reception

EVENT TYPE: ACM Student Research Competition Poster, Poster, Electronic Poster

TIME: 5:15PM - 7:00PM


AUTHOR(S):Jan Treibig, Michael Meier, Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein

ROOM:WSCC North Galleria 2nd/3rd Floors

Exploiting the performance of today's microprocessors requires intimate knowledge of the microarchitecture as well as an awareness of the ever-growing complexity in thread and cache topology. LIKWID is a set of command line utilities that addresses four key problems: Probing the thread and cache topology of a shared-memory node, enforcing thread-core affinity, measuring performance counter metrics, and microbenchmarking for reliable performance bounds. LIKWID stands out because it is easy to install and use and works with any Linux 2.6 kernel. LIKWID has low overhead and is designed to be easily extended by the user. Our poster will briefly introduce all LIKWID tools. The use of likwid-perfctr is demonstrated using two examples: Detection of NUMA problems and use of the likwid marker API. A ccNUMA bandwidth map for a four socket AMD Magny Cours node shows one possible application of likwid-bench.

Chair/Author Details:

Bernd Mohr (Chair) - Juelich Supercomputing Centre

Jan Treibig - Erlangen Regional Computing Center

Michael Meier - Erlangen Regional Computing Center

Georg Hager - Erlangen Regional Computing Center

Gerhard Wellein - Erlangen Regional Computing Center

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