SC is the International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis

SCHEDULE: NOV 12-18, 2011

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I/O Workload Analysis with Server-side Data Collection

SESSION: Research Poster Reception

EVENT TYPE: ACM Student Research Competition Poster, Poster, Electronic Poster

TIME: 5:15PM - 7:00PM


AUTHOR(S):Andrew C. Uselton, Daniela Ushizima

ROOM:WSCC North Galleria 2nd/3rd Floors

The statistical properties of data movement to and from mass storage (I/O) on a high-performance computer (HPC) system re- veal the system-wide coordination of transactions from the com- pute nodes to the I/O nodes. This research exploits server-side observations to isolate much of the I/O traffic into events that are closely related to, though not identical with, those trans- actions. The statistics of those events demonstrate a pervasive under-performance of a large fraction of the system workload. This analysis documents both the breadth and the severity of the problem on one HPC system. In addition, we present a new visualization scheme for the time series of I/O observations. This scheme organizes and displays intricate numerical content in a meaningful and easy to under- stand graphical representation.

Chair/Author Details:

Bernd Mohr (Chair) - Juelich Supercomputing Centre

Andrew C. Uselton - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Daniela Ushizima - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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