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SESSION: ACM Student Research Competition Poster Session
EVENT TYPE: ACM Student Research Competition Poster
TIME: 5:15PM - 7:00PM
AUTHOR(S):Moussa Taifi
ROOM:WSCC North Galleria 2nd/3rd Floors
ABSTRACT: The economy of scale offers cloud computing unlimited cost effective processing potentials. Theoretically, prices under fair market conditions should reflect the most reasonable costs of computations. The fairness is in theory ensured by the market forces. While there is no lack of incentives for the cloud provider to offer auction-based computing platform, using these volatile platform for practical computing is a challenge. This paper reports a methodology and a toolkit designed to tame the challenges for MPI applications.
We introduce a formal model, then a HPC application toolkit, named SpotMPI, to facilitate the practical execution of real MPI applications on volatile auction-based cloud platforms. Our models capture the intrinsic dependencies between critical time consuming elements by leveraging instrumented performance parameters and publically available resource bidding histories. We study algorithms with different computing v.s. communication complexities. Our results show non-trivial insights into the optimal bidding and application scaling strategies.
Chair/Author Details:
Bernd Mohr (Chair) - Juelich Supercomputing Centre