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schedule, just click on the calendar icon of your choice (outlook
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You can also create your personal schedule on the SC11 app (Boopsie) on your smartphone. Simply select a session you want to attend and "add" it to your plan. Continue in this manner until you have created your own personal schedule. All your events will appear under "My Event Planner" on your smartphone.
SESSION: State of the Practice - Infra/Cooling/Mgmt
EVENT TYPE: State of the Practice
TIME: 3:30PM - 4:00PM
SESSION CHAIR: Robert A. Ballance
AUTHOR(S):Henry M. Tufo, Michael K. Patterson, Michael Oberg, Matthew Woitaszek, Guy Cobb, Robert Strong, Jim Gutowski
ABSTRACT: The design and procurement of supercomputers may require months, but the construction of a facility to house a supercomputer can extend to years. This paper describes the design and construction of a Top-50 supercomputer system and a fully-customized pre-fabricated facility to house it. The use of a co-design process reduced the time from conception to delivery to three months, commensurate with the amount of time it currently takes to deliver the computer system alone. Moreover, the facility was designed to provide efficient datacenter space for a 15-year lifespan. The design targets an expected yearly average power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.2, with a measured PUE of 1.1 to date. Leveraging the rapid deployment technologies in use by industry allowed the procurement of the complete environment, including the facility and the resource, in significantly less time than a machine room renovation and years less than a new building.
Chair/Author Details:
Robert A. Ballance (Chair) - Sandia National Laboratories
Henry M. Tufo - University of Colorado at Boulder
Michael K. Patterson - Intel Corporation
Michael Oberg - National Center for Atmospheric Research
Matthew Woitaszek - National Center for Atmospheric Research