BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111114T170000Z DTEND:20111115T013000Z LOCATION:Hyatt Discovery B DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: Data Intensive Workflows (a.k.a. scientific workflows) are routinely used in most scientific disciplines today, especially in the context of parallel and distributed computing. Workflows provide a systematic way of describing the analysis and rely on workflow management systems to execute the complex analyses on a variety of distributed resources. This workshop focuses on the many facets of data-intensive workflow management systems, ranging from job execution to service management and the coordination of data, service and job dependencies. The workshop therefore covers a broad range of issues in the scientific workflow lifecycle that include: data intensive workflows representation and enactment; designing workflow composition interfaces; workflow mapping techniques that may optimize the execution of the workflow; workflow enactment engines that need to deal with failures in the application and execution environment; and a number of computer science problems related to scientific workflows such as semantic technologies, compiler methods, fault detection and tolerance. SUMMARY:The Sixth Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS11) PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR